
November 24, 2011 Joe Cassara - You Need My Guy - KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People
KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People
Joe Cassara, You Need My Guy

KAYWEB Angels Portfolio People is a section in our Blog that features profile interviews with the people behind our companies! In this interview, we feature Joe Cassara, CEO of You Need My Guy.

Tell us your name and where are you from?

Joe Cassara – Rochester, NY

What you had for breakfast this morning?

Coffee, eggs and toast, fruit. Classic.

What are your favorite television shows and movies?

30 Rock, The Office, Arrested Development. Shawshank Redemption, Boondock Saints.

Any favorite books?

The Bible, Blue Like Jazz, Tale of Two Cities, Great Gatsby, The Search for God & Guinness

iPhone or Android or what?


Facebook or Google+ or Twitter or what?

Facebook, Google+, Twitter.

Who are the hottest startups outside the KAYWEB Angels group right now and why?

Hipster is brand new, and does a great job of merging FourSquare and Instagram. I think they’ll make a dent in location-based sharing.

What areas / opportunities are ripe for startups to tackle?

People want to take what happens naturally, and do it better, more efficiently. So, ideas like Square and Spotify add a lot of value.

Have you done any previous startups?

Apart from a small business I started college with a few friends and eventually sold back to the University, I’ve been a corporate guy until recently. Earlier this year I left my job to start my own business development consulting practice, helping businesses grow, entering into new markets, etc. So I seem to be always starting something.

Outside of your startup what are you passionate about?

Spending time with my wife and 2 (almost 3) kids.

Who has been or currently is an inspiration to you?

My wife. I’m surrounded by peers in the business world who do great things, but watching her be a phenomenal mom inspires me to pursue excellence with everything I put my hand to, whether parenting, marriage, or a startup!


You are currently in stealth so don't tell us what you are doing but give us a hint of the problem you are addressing?

We’re bombarded by so many relationships and connections these days that it’s hard to know which of them carry weight. You Need My Guy meets that need.

What led you to this right now instead of anything else?

I think You Need My Guy can really help people. It adds value, and I’m proud of it. Whenever the work I do can take that extra step, I run after it. 

What is your current biggest challenge?

There is a lot to plan for our launch, and doing it all while keeping most of the details secret is tough. 

How can our readers help you get to your next step?

Go to, sign up, and spread the word. Follow us at and

Let's play a prediction game. Let's say we are 12 months from now, and you are about to present to your board. How would you describe your progress?

I’d say You Need My Guy will have gained significant traction in the markets we’re in, and our user base will be around 15-20,000. I expect revenue to come early and support the growth that we’ll need to look attractive for a potential acquisition.

Now let's play the reflection game. Think about who you were five years ago. What advice would you give the former you?

I guess just to stop talking about an idea, and do it. All of us are capable of so much more than we’re doing, we’re just scared to take that step.

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