All entries by KAYWEB Angels
NEW YORK: New York City's THE ALLEY is the place to be for an awesome Round-Table Discussion on 'The State of Startup Funding', led by CEO of KAYWEB Angels Haig Kayserian, Founder of the Young Entrepreneurs Council Scott Gerber, and CEO of Brand Yourself Patrick Ambron.
read moreNEW YORK: KAYWEB Angels has added New York startup Zazzoo to its portfolio of investments.
read moreNEW YORK: From time to time, people need to hire a service provider. A plumber, real estate attorney, florist, insurance agent—a stylist to cut their hair. Most have been there. Folks need to bring someone onto their property, or to perform a professional service like an accountant or golf coach, but just don’t know who to call.
read moreKAYWEB Angels is happy to announce the official launch of portfolio company, Do It In Person.As an event management site, Do It In Person allows organizers to create their event, find and book speakers, and manage sponsorships. Users are able to generate a detailed event schedule through the website, which can be updated as needed. In addition, Do It In Person’s site allows managers to create and sell tickets and provide an option for sending invitations through a mailing list.
read moreNEW YORK: New York internet investment firm KAYWEB Angels held an event called The Pitch Sweatshop at WeWork Labs in SoHo last month.
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